Sniping is, and always has been, a 'black' form of warfare. The nature of sniping is difficult to comprehend, let alone model into a game. Naturally, a name like Sniper: Path of Vengeance combines the art of sniping with a sinister atmosphere.
The game, however, fails to maintain a sinister plot or even include reasonable sniping.
Sniper: Path of Vengeance starts off on a rainy night, with your character mumbling to himself about meeting a 'contact'. After walk around, you eventually find your contact and you are given a scoped M-14 to take out a target. By now you should have noticed that you are a mercenary, a fact that is never clearly presented to you anytime during the game. After taking out the target and the cops around him, you escape to meet with your contact at a pre-designated location, only to be caught by the police and hauled to prison.
While in prison, you are injected with a drug, which supposedly plays a major role in the plot. Afterwards, you are allowed wander about the prison, kill a few officers and spark off a riot while you're at it.
Many might not the inconsistency between my last two paragraphs. No, that isn't me being a bad reviewer or failing Engilsh composition. That actually is the introduction to Sniper: Path of Vengeance.
The short review is: It's a horrible game.
The long version is: It's a horrible, horrible game.
On a more serious note, Sniper: Path of Vengeance fails to live up to standards set by other first-person shooters. The game attempts to mix aspects of role-playing with first-person shooting, allowing players to customise their character, "The Sniper", by increase various stat points, including health, stamina and weapon specialties. Your stats will also grow over time as you advance through the game and gain more experience using weapons.
Unfortunately, there is no indication as to what the stats actually do. While stats like Health are self-explanatory, weapon-specialties seem to have no significant improvement in your abilities. In fact, the weapons themselves are poorly modelled.
Take weapon names, for example. In your stats screen, you are presented with a list of weapons including the M-14, Glock, S&W, SIG and HK. They might seem fine and dandy, but any weapon enthusiast will have immense trouble figuring out exactly what weapons they're supposed to represent. A SIG could be anything from a SIG P228 pistol to a SIG 550 Commando assault rifle. It turns out that it is an assault rifle with an attached flashlight. Then there's the HK gun. As far as we know, it could be anything from the MP5 submachine gun to the G3 assault rifle. It's actually a machine gun. So much for informative names.

OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 3 @ 600 MHz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video Memory: 16 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0

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