Emergency is a German series of six computer games by Sixteen Tons Entertainment and Quadriga Games. All games revolve around micromanaging emergency services on a variety of accident and/or accident scenes.
The main unit types are firefighters, police and EMS, with various auxiliaries such as search and rescue and technical units (namely THW). According to German practices, emergency physicians are dispatched to accident scenes.
First Responders in North America, Emergency 4 boasts several improvements in user-friendliness. For instance, it is possible to dispatch several vehicles at the same time, order them to arrive at a specific location, there's a simple counter for the number of casualties in the area of operations, and idle emergency physicians seek out nearby untended casualties.
The game contains 20 missions, with mandatory free play intermissions at every interim, and the Endless and Challenge free play modes. It is also the first in the series to support multiplayer gameplay and supports modding.
A deluxe release includes three extra missions, support for voice commands, etc.

Windows 98/ME/XP
Pentium III 800MHz Processor
DirectX 8.1
32MB DirectX compatible 3D Accelerated Video Card with Hardware T&L\
DirectX comaptible Sound Card
10GB Hard Disk Space
4X CD-ROM Drive

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